Why Agile Works

Why Agile Works

Someone once asked me, “Don, what does even the wisest person overlook?” The answer was “his nose.” You can see your nose if you focus, but you generally don’t bother. You assume it’s there. Likewise, as I have gained experience...

Agile Principles Shine Light on Development Projects

I settled into the visitor’s chair across the desk from Nate. Looking at Nate I said “So tell me about your project.” RULE II: START WHERE THE SYSTEM IS1 Nate smiled and wistfully said: “Well, I’m the project manager and ScrumMaster. John...

Boomerang Measurements

You can tell a lot from how a story starts. If you hear “Once upon a time …” you’ll probably hear a fairy tale like “The Three Little Pigs” or “The Little Red Hen”. Around camp fires, kayakers like to tell stories that...

Frederick P. Brooks, Jr – Agilista?

Hear me out. It may not be as far fetched as it may first seem. I’m not going to say how long I’ve been around, but I have two copies of The Mythical Man-Month. I have the Anniversary Edition and the 1982 edition of the original 1975 book. I’m not...

Better Process, Better People

The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement. Officially author unknown, but I heard it from my mother, more than once. Reading Better People, Better Process may make it seem like I’m one of those touchy-feely “people over process”...