So What's the Problem?

I would say that the root of the problem or “cause” was the pure and simple fact, that a poor decision was made to “band aid” a poorly designed system. If the correct decision was made in February of 2004 …

How Do You Know?

How do you know what you know? More importantly, how do you know what other people know?

Context Switching for Fun and Profit

I usually have 3 or more things going on at any time. Right now I’m doing exploratory work for one client (lots of try this, try that, well, how about trying something else?), upgrading a system for another client (I’ve already done three of their systems), and preparing for a class.

What’s Your Point of View?

We recently pruned the fruit trees in the backyard. I did it by myself the previous time, and the results were, well, interesting.