Views: Yours, Mine, and Ours
What's Wrong with this Picture? Have you ever read something that bothered you, but couldn't put your finger on exactly why? I found myself in that position after I read George Dinwiddie's recent blog entry about Blocking. Scott Ambler's "blocking" doesn't bother me....
A rose by any other name
I’ve been reading some interesting emails concerning names in an Scrum environment. Backlog in particular seems to generate energy.
Problems vs Opportunities
Problems or Opportunities? Where should you focus your effort?
Jim Said More
One of the smartest things I did as Interim VP of Engineering for Padcom was let Don talk himself into coming to play with us over the course of several hours overlooking the Puget Sound one weekend morning. Padcom was a small tech company with some unique...
Fearless Change: The book review
My thoughts about the book … If you don’t have the book, get it. If you have the book and haven’t read it, do so now.
Problem Solving – 2 Year Old Fashion
I recently had the opportunity to observe problem solving at its more pure state. We took our grand-daughters, Jessica (4), and Nikki (2) to the park. For a period of time, they played on a “jungle gym” that looks like