Why Don’t You Hear What I Mean? – The Satir Interaction Model

Two recent events reminded me about the minefield called communication. A friend requested some feedback which I gladly provided. In fact, I thought I did a pretty good job! Based on the reply I received about the feedback, I knew what got heard, wasn’t what I meant.

Problems with System Health

Can knowing how one system works help you understand how other similar systems work? Do software, project and physical health have much in common?

Developers Testing Software, Take 2

In my experience the developers have the verification mindset, “Does it do the job?” Most everyone who uses the software has the mindset, “Does it allow me to do my job?” And that is the essential difference.

Can Developers Test Software?

Yes, Virginia, there’s more to testing. I’m a developer, not a tester. I know only a little bit about testing, but I DO know that testing methodologies move just about as fast as development methodologies do.

Stabilizing Systems

Engineers make the darndest assumptions. I made one such assumption in “Change and Stable Systems”. The unstated assumption involved starting with a stable system. But what do you do if your system (as in team, project, company) is unstable?

All Problems are not Equal

Head Down and Headed for Cover I'm an adrenalin junky. I keep agreeing to work with projects in trouble with incredible time pressure. Last Wednesday I agreed to help a project that HAD to be completed by Friday. The team was scheduled to fly home. We made good...