Single Point Requirements
The take home lesson we learned, “Don’t accept a single example for requirements that cover a class.” We even referred to ensuing similar requests (from them and other clients) as “Oh yeah, it’s the simple case of A500.”
Different But Useful
Maps make it easier for us to work with the real world (whatever that may be). Some detailed information gets removed, but if the structure is similar to the territory, the map is useful. The problem is deciding when and how to change maps.
Giving Up – Reframed
Finally, I’d reframe your blog question from “What’s the anti-pattern”, to “When does a useful pattern become an anti-pattern?”
Giving Up to Get Ahead
In my years in “da biddness”, I’ve seen people time, and time, and time again do the same thing, and wonder why it didn’t work. And when what they were doing didn’t work, they would do it again, and marvel that once again, their actions didn’t return the results they hoped for.
Intake: Abstracting and Represenational Systems
We take in information from our environment in discrete steps. We abstract from the continuous data streams (aka “The Real World”) in the following order:
Why Don’t You Hear What I Mean? – The Satir Interaction Model
Two recent events reminded me about the minefield called communication. A friend requested some feedback which I gladly provided. In fact, I thought I did a pretty good job! Based on the reply I received about the feedback, I knew what got heard, wasn’t what I meant.