So, What is a System?

I’m working backwards. I started this entry on defining change. Then I realized change can’t exist without systems. So, what is a system? I like the following (heavily inspired by Systems Thinking Basics: From Concepts to Causal Loops) Systems have several...

Single Point Requirements

The “Simple Case of A500” occurred 10 years ago. I’m currently coding the “Son of A500”. Completely different companies, completely different products, a decade apart. I’m the only common factor. And even I’m different. The...

Different But Useful

A map is not the territory it represents, but if correct, it has a similar structure to the territory, which accounts for its usefulness. -Alfred Korzybski Recently I spent two weeks in Berkeley CA helping a client upgrade one of their control systems. I wasn’t...

Giving Up – Reframed

On your blog of Thursday, September 01, 2005 “Giving up to get ahead” you talk about moving insurance agents. I’ve just been through the process of ‘firing’ my accountant of near 10 years. She hasn’t served me well for a number of...

Giving Up to Get Ahead

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein. In my years in “da biddness”, I’ve seen people time, and time, and time again do the same thing, and wonder why it didn’t work. And when what...

Intake: Abstracting and Represenational Systems

We take in information from our environment in discrete steps. We abstract from the continuous data streams (aka “The Real World”) in the following order: Something happens (Event) We sense what happens (Object) We recognize what happens (Description) We...